Thursday, September 26, 2013

I am not my Hair

While talking to my niece today, I discovered her insecurities with her hair. Most people have hair insecurities. Let's discuss your hair insecurities. What hairstyle are you rocking? What things would you like to change about your hair (if any)? What are some hair suggestions? Do you tailor your hair for your job, friends or outfit? Also can you truly say, "I am not my hair"?

What your hair fashion?


  1. For me, my hair is basically an accessory. I change the style up a little depending on what I'm doing and who I'm going to be with. For the past 4 months, I've been growing out the natural texture of my hair. It's been an interesting experience watching the reactions of those around me to seeing me with my natural hair. It's a wavy curly (C3) texture. I like it, but I think people have had a hard time adjusting to seeing me with short hair since the majority of my life I've worn my hair in long and permanently straight styles. Sometimes, I do miss the versatility of long hair, but I don't miss the time it took to style it. It will eventually be long again, just much more curly. :) As I get used to the transition between the short and long, I've found that experimenting with a variety of head bands and bejeweled hair clips has been a fun way to get used to that funky in-between stage.

    1. As you seen back in July, I also went natural. I have my days where I want give up and "no-lye" but I am 6 months in so I will try to stick it out. I am I believe c3 or c4. Which ever has the most shrinkage. Well keep it natural my friend.
